Peking-Westlake Geometric Analysis Seminar (Autumn 2024)

This is a Geometric Analysis Seminar held by

  • Professor Yuguang Shi (Peking University)
  • and Dr. Jintian Zhu (Westlake University).
  • We welcome everyone who is interested in attending our seminar. If you would like to be added in the email list, please tell us by sending an email to zhujintian AT westlake DOT edu DOT cn or haotz AT pku DOT edu DOT cn.

    Our seminar usually lasts 1.5 hours (including one-hour talk and half-hour discussion) but it would be flexible according to the speaker. We provide two choices of time for the convenience of the speaker (including a morning session and an afternoon session). The seminar will be arranged at

  • (Morning Session) 9:00-10:30 AM, Thursdays (Beijing time)
  • or (Afternoon Session) 2:00-3:30 PM, Tuesdays (Beijing time).
  • The talk will be given online with Tencent Meeting or Zoom (optional if the speaker cannot use Tencent Meeting).

  • Tencent Meeting: 791 3541 8868 Password: 160273 .
  • Zoom: 952 802 9961 Password: 314159.
  • The schedule is shown in the following table and you can find the details of the planned talks below this table.

    Week 1 (Sep 12, 9-10:30AM) Week 2 (Sep 19, 9-10:30AM) Week 3 (Sep 26, 9-10:30AM) Week 4 (National Holiday)
    Speaker: Shihang He (何世航) Speaker: Yihan Wang (王一涵) Speaker: Jinmin Wang (王晋民) (No arrangement)
    Week 5 (Oct 8/10) Week 6 (Oct 17, 9-10:30AM) Week 7 (Oct 24, 9-10:30AM) Week 8 (Oct 29, 2-3:30PM)
    Speaker: TBA Speaker: Xiaoxiang Chai (柴小祥) Speaker: Guodong Wei (魏国栋) Speaker: Han Hong (洪寒)
    Week 9 (Nov 5/7) Week 10 (Nov 12/14) Week 11 (Nov 19/21) Week 12 (Nov 28, 9-10:30AM)
    Speaker: TBA Speaker: TBA Speaker: TBA Speaker: Kai Xu (徐恺)
    Week 13 (Dec 5, 9-10:30AM) Week 14 (Dec 10/12) Week 15 (Dec 17/19) Week 16 (Dec 24/26)
    Speaker: Zhihan Wang (王志涵) Speaker: TBA Speaker: TBA Speaker: TBA

    Previous Seminars

  • Spring 2023
  • Autumn 2023
  • Spring 2024
  • Autumn 2024

    1. 2024 Sep 12, 9-10:30 AM, Tencent Meeting: 791 3541 8868

    Speaker: Dr. Shihang He (Peking University)

    Title: Foliation of area minimizing hypersurfaces in asymptotically flat manifolds and Schoen's conjecture
    Abstract: In this talk, we present a foliation structure for asymptotically flat manifolds of dimension $4\leq n\leq 7$, each leaf being an area minimizing hypersurface. As an application, we prove a drift-to-infinity property of free boundary hypersurfaces in large cylinders lying in asymptotically flat manifolds with nonnegative scalar curvature and positive mass. This is joint work with Prof. Yuguang Shi and Prof. Haobin Yu.

    2. 2024 Sep 19, 9-10:30 AM, Tencent Meeting: 791 3541 8868

    Speaker: Dr. Yihan Wang (Peking University)

    Title: Area-minimizing Hypersurfaces in Singular Ambient Manifolds
    Abstract: In this talk, I will report a recent work on the regularity of area-minimizing hypersurfaces in singular ambient manifolds whose tangent cones have nonnegative scalar curvature on their regular parts. The basic model is the non-existence of 2-dimensional minimizing hypercones in 3-dimensional ambient cones with isolated singularities and nonnegative curvatures. And then a codimension 3 regularity result can be obtained using a standard blow-up argument. Finally, I will introduce an example (Frank Morgan 2002) to show that this regularity result is sharp.

    3. 2024 Sep 26, 9-10:30 AM Tencent Meeting: 791 3541 8868

    Speaker: Prof. Jinmin Wang (AMSS)

    Title: Sharp bottom spectrum and scalar curvature rigidity Abstract: In this talk, I will report our work on a sharp upper bound for the bottom spectrum of L2-Laplacian on complete manifolds with non-positive scalar curvature lower bound. A key ingredient of this result is is the application of higher index theory for Dirac operators. This talk is based on joint work with Bo Zhu.